Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body which exists to work with and support the Parish Priest in all aspects of the running of the Parish in order that the Parish Priest may more effectively minister to the spiritual needs of the Parish.
The parish is part of the particular Church compromising the Diocese in which “the one holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church truly exists and functions” (canon 369). This means that each parish has responsibilities towards the Archdiocese, other parishes and clergy. The aims of the Council reflect those of the Archdiocese and of the Universal Church.
- The advancement of the Roman Catholic Religion.
- The advancement of Catholic education.
- The relief of poverty.
- The cure or alleviation of sickness and disease.
These aims are pursued and fulfilled principally through the fitting celebration of the Mass, the Sacraments and other liturgical activities and with the support, co-operation and guidance of other groups and individuals from the Parish and the wider community as appropriate.
The Council
The Parish Priest presides over the Council which shall consist of at least 12 members, appointed by the Parish Priest, ordinarily for a period of one year.
Members will be practising Catholics actively participating in the liturgical life of the Parish.
The Parish Priest will nominate from members of the Council:
- A Chairperson
- A Vice Chairperson
- A Secretary
The current Parish Council members are as follows:
Parish Priest: Fr Simon Henry
Chairman: Michael Thompson
Members: Martin Ainsworth
Elaine Carr
Liz Cottam
Mary Earnshaw
Sean Ell
Nick Fish (Finance)
Matthew Greenwood
Gerard Fishwick
Jim Hill
Tom Parker
Tommy Robinson
Tracey Sullivan
Marie Tootell (Secretary)
Procedural Matters
a) Meetings are presided over by the Parish Priest and will normally be held Bi-monthly.
b) A quorum for meetings is the Parish Priest and six members.
c) An emergency meeting may be called by the Parish Priest, or four other members
d) Agendas shall be prepared and circulated to all members prior to the meeting.
e) A proposal or resolution sent in writing to the Secretary by a representative of any known group or committee acting within the Parish, or from any eligible person, should, subject to being received by the Secretary 7 days prior to the next meeting, be considered by the Council at the next available meeting. If the proposal or resolution is received less than 7 days prior to the next meeting then the matter will be placed on the agenda for the following meeting.
Finance Committee
a) A Parish Finance Committee shall be appointed by the Parish Priest. This shall meet as needed.
General Meetings
a) A Special General Meeting may be convened by the Parish Priest to discuss any matter considered to be of sufficient importance.