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Parish Centre

The Parish Centre has undergone considerable refurbishment in recent times - thanks to the efforts of a small group of dedicated volunteers. The former bar/snooker room area has been completely updated to produce a room that is bright and welcoming for a wide range of uses. Daily Mass (weekdays) is now celebrated in the Parish Centre and a variety of Parish Groups utilise the upgraded facilities. The main hall of the Parish Centre is to be redecorated and access and security improved - new kitchen facilities have been installed.


The Parish Centre is also available for wider community usage and a number of community groups have already taken advantage of the facilities.


The Parish Centre is available for regular meetings / events for local groups or for individual bookings, in both daytime or evenings. Please contact Michael Thompson on 01257 275449 if you want to make a booking enquiry. Current charges for the use of the Parish Centre are as follows:

    PARISH HALL    -   £30.00 for three hours, then £5.00 per hour after.  

    PARISH ROOM   -   £30.00 for three hours, then £5.00 per hour after.  

    KITCHEN             -   £10.00

It should be noted that the Parish Centre has no drinks licence, although "own-supplied" alcoholic drinks may be consumed at events provided that agreement is obtained in advance - the sale of alcoholic drinks in the Parish Centre is not permitted under any circumstances.  


The Terms and Conditions applicable to all Bookings / Usage of the Parish Hall are as follows:

Euxton St Mary’s Parish Centre


Booking Terms and Conditions


C/O Michael Thompson

St Mary’s Parish Centre

Wigan Road



Tel: 01257 275449


January 2011






1.    All confirmations for hire of the Parish Centre must be accompanied by the booking fee and security deposit, (the full charge being payable 7 days prior to the hire date).

2.    Bookings are not final until the fee and the security deposit are paid and cleared.

3.    Hirers may only use the parts of the Parish Centre specified in the booking.

4.    Bookings cancelled by the hirer within one week of the event may be subject to the full fee being paid.

5.    No extension of time is permitted beyond the hours stated.

6.    The Hirer shall not use the premises for any other purpose than stated at the time of booking.

7.    INSURANCE details tba





1.     The ultimate responsibility for Health & Safety rests with everybody using the Parish Centre.  The Parish Council accept no liability in this respect over and above the statutory Health & Safety standards that have been complied with.

2.     In order to comply with Fire Regulations, NO PARKING is permitted at the emergency exists to the Parish Centre.  In common with all public buildings, there is a NO SMOKING policy throughout the Parish Centre.

3.     The location of Fire Exits and Fire Extinguishers/Blanket is shown in the attached floor plan and their location should be noted before the Parish Centre is occupied.

4.     In the event of an emergency, ensure that the Parish Centre is cleared immediately and that the emergency services are called on 999.  (As soon as possible inform Michael Thompson on 07880676603 or Fr. McCusker on 01257 262665.

5.     A First Aid box is located in the kitchen area.





1.     The Parish Council accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to property or for any personal injury during any period of hire.

2.     All serious damage that takes place during a hiring will be the responsibility of the hirer and must be reported to Michael Thompson promptly to ensure that the damage is quickly rectified.  The cost of repairing any damage will be charged to the hirer.

3.     All faults or defects at the Parish Centre should be noted in the Report Book kept in the kitchen.





1.     The Parish Centre and any of its equipment used by the hirer shall be left in a clean condition on the day of hiring.

2.     Cleaning materials are located in the small kitchen off the main hall.

3.     The Parish Council’s decision is final and the hirer undertakes to be bound by their decision.





1.     The electrical system at present installed at the Centre is rather confusing, as it has evolved over the past number of years.  The hall and toilet lights are situated at the right hand side of the stage.

2.     In order to comply with fire regulations, the illumination of the Centre by any other means is strictly prohibited.

3.     Please remember to switch off all lights when leaving.

4.     The heating system is strictly under the control of the Parish Council and must not be tampered with.





1.     Please do not put up decorations with pins, sticky tape or any other fixings that may damage the walls.  If necessary, please use ‘White Tack’.





1.  The use of the kitchen is an extra £10.00.  This facility is for reheating and preparation of cold food only.


2.     Please do not use sharp knives or place hot saucepans on the counter surface – always use the boards provided.





1.     Wheelchair access is available to the main hall via the portable ramp available on request.

2.     An accessible toilet facility for disabled people, is available off the parish room.  Please request if required.

3.     Only guide dogs are permitted in the Parish Centre.





1.     The hirer agrees to be present in person during the period of hire and will provide whatever supervision is required to ensure the good conduct and order of persons using the hall throughout the period of hire.

2.     Anti social levels of noise and other causes of nuisance in and around the Hall must be avoided completely so as to ensure there can be no grounds for valid complaints from nearby residents.  Failure to observe this condition may result in the forfeiture of your deposit.

3.     No person under the influence of alcohol shall be admitted.


The use of the hall is limited to 100 persons

Parish room 50 persons





    The Parish Council reserves the right to cancel any hire at any stage if there is a clear breach of these         conditions.

    The Parish Council will not be responsible for any expenditure or loss incurred as a result of cancellation.














GENERAL – Euxton St Mary’s Parish Council does not constitute a “Food Business Operator” per se, and therefore does not provide full safety documentation based on Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP).  However we acknowledge our responsibility in terms of maintaining and servicing the Parish Centre Kitchen so that food may be handled or processed in a safe and hygienic manner.


To that end, the following rules and points of information apply.


1.     COMMERCIAL CATERERS – must provide evidence of their own HACCP based food safety documentation.  Those commercial caterers unable to provide such evidence may be refused entry to the Parish Centre.


2.     FOOD STORAGE – is very limited.  Only one small refrigerator is available. 


3.  FOOD PREPARATION – Additional anti-bacterial wipe down by the user is recommended immediately prior to food preparation.


4.     COOKING – it is the responsibility of the kitchen user to ensure that all food is cooked thoroughly and properly.


5.     It is a condition of hire that the kitchen must be left as it is found.


6.     The Parish Council will expect to be reimbursed for the cost of rectifying any wanton damage or breakage.

St Mary and St Catherine Labouré

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