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Church Upkeep

The parish is indebted to the group of helpers who undertake the "housekeeping" of the interior of the church, including cleaning and polishing, flower supply and arrangement, care of the altar linen, and general supervision of security. Our church is beautifully presented at all times, and a great vote of thanks must go to the unstinting efforts of this group of helpers:


Cleaning & Polishing

The Cleaning Rota is maintained by Margaret Hill.



Margaret Hill / Michael Thompson


The maintenance of the church buildings, presbytery, grounds, and car park is overseen by the Pastoral Parish Council and the cemetery maintenance is organised Peter Kitching and Nick Fish.


Other helpers in the area of Church Upkeep are always welcome - if you have time on your hands and would like to help please contact the main contact identified here.

St Mary and St Catherine Labouré

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