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St Mary’s Cemetery is dedicated for, and continues to provide a burial ground for, past and present Parishioners

Details of St Mary's Funeral and Cemetery fees may be viewed by clicking here. 

The Church and Cemetery were opened at the same time in 1865 - the Register of Burials may be viewed by clicking here. The Cemetery area has been extended over the intervening years and we have now moved into the "final" extension of the Cemetery grounds. The Cemetery also contains a Columbarium.

A schematic plan of the Cemetery may be viewed here. The names identified for each Plot are the family names of the "Plot Owners" and are not necessarily the surnames of the deceased interred in the grave itself. The names of those interred in individual plots can be displayed by using the search function linked to the Cemetery plan, although it should be noted that the historic Parish Records relating to interments are incomplete and therefore it is possible that other interments could have taken place in individual grave plots. If you believe this record to be incomplete or incorrect please email us with the details.  

The right of burial in the Cemetery is granted subject to the decrees and canons of the Catholic Church and the rules and regulations of the cemetery in force at any particular time - click here to see the Cemetery Rules. It is a condition of “Plot Ownership” that these rules and regulations are adhered to.  

In 2006 the Parish introduced a more comprehensive Grave Deed than that previously issued. The new Deeds are issued for newly-acquired Grave Plots and will also be issued for existing Grave and Columbarium Plots on request  – if you wish to have a new Grave Deed issued please complete this form and deliver to the Parish Office / Presbytery. Note that we will issue Grave Deeds for all / any existing Grave Plots even if they have no space for future interments.

A Form of Indemnity must be completed in all cases of interment in a purchased grave plot if the Grave Deed cannot be produced - a copy of this Form of Indemnity may be viewed here.

A Certificate of Cremation is required in all cases of interment of cremated remains. 

General guidance notes re: the burial of cremated remains in St Mary's Cemetery may be viewed here.

It should be noted that the maintenance of the Cemetery grounds is undertaken on a voluntary basis by Parishioners - all helpers are welcome, so if you feel you can spare a bit if time please contact Peter Kitching or Nick Fish.

St Mary and St Catherine Labouré

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